Saturday 18 November 2017

Excalibur: Dream High

What is my Dream?

"A goal without a plan is just a mere wish."

I've been trading for quite some time now. I was blinded by my dream of earning a lot of money. This dream led me to the opposite. I lost a lot. Roughly around 200k now. I feel so lost. I've been tracking my performance since April. It's completely a mess. I feel like giving up now thinking that trading is not for me.

I will take a rest from trading for now and focus on studying charts. I've started dissecting the trades of Sirius Lee from his blog. I was amazed with his trades actually. After this, I will also dissect Zeefreaks' and Akio's trades. Hopefully after that, I would learn their strategies and be able to apply it on my trading. I would study first until the year end and start all over on January.

I need motivation. Please cheer me up. Fighting!

PS. Here is Red Velvet's Irene giving me motivation 😁😍😂

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